Petra Buchholz Coaching



  Systemic Business & Lifestyle Coaching


licensed & certified 

Master Coach DVNLP, ECA

Consultant Social Panorama SOMSP, Mental Space Psychology

Coaching for Transformation

Coaching and Facilitation

in the Process of 




New Levels in Work 2023

  please ask us for a custom tailored program 

size • location • style

worldwide in the network of

International Association for Horse Assisted Education (EAHAE )

HorseDream ® Educator & Partner 

International  EAHAE Member


  „It was life-changing!“  

>>  CEO statement <<

Team & Leadership


 "A once in a lifetime experience!"

Get out of the standards and dive into real life experimental learning in truth and honesty Discover experiential learning with equines in its unique way

Inner strengths and competencies emerge on a level of trust

 Power of Presence 

  • Principle of Mental Space

    Mental Space: a new paradigm in psychology. 

    "Space is the organising principle of the mind." PAREQUUS Coaching is applying principles of recent discovery in research that is called spatial cognition. With a different view of how the human mind works you are offered new effective possibilities for therapeutic work that saves you detours, time and money.

  • Emotional Intelligence

    Fine tune your emotions according to the situation for effective leadership and teambuilding. Build your strengths along your values. Assertive Communication under pressure with empathy. Be surprised about deep insights in your possibilities. Strengthen your emotional repertoire  for mastering demanding social constellations. 

  • Effective Communication

    Understand others by reading the signs of body language and distinguish their behaviour. Gain ease in deciding whom to mentor, coach, motivate in any given constellation for best perfomance and interface management. Bring the WHY across and take your staff along onto the journey. Know your own self better by the unerrring barometer of body-mind-spirit-reflection in the contact with your equine coaching partners.

  • Open Mindset

    Get your "AHA" Experience with creative  experiental learning! A unique setting will offer you to find NEW aspects and new dimensions for your life and work balance! Get to know precisely  your motivational values and your challenges that you want to  apply  for your personal and corporate success

  • Alignment

    Become focused and clear about the purpose and value of  your personal goal and the corporate goal. How do you walk the path of development with your team? How do you align your team to follow with commitment? Find the motivational factors to navigate in New Work scenarios.

  • Agile Leadership

    Constant change and challenge in a world of diversity demands flexibility and strategic leadership. How do you trust in yourself, in your team of individual leaders? How do you strengthen and align the team for the higher purpose? How flexible do you adjust your leadership style? How do you interact? Do you know your "trigger buttons"? Do you own all energy states? What is your " Why"? Get answers in reflecting and expand your own style with the assistance of equine partners.

  • Change Management

    Digital World uses Artificial Intelligence. The essential human competency can be uniquely covered by human intelligence. Motivating your team to adjust to the constantly changing work environment can be fun and lightweight.  Look at self-management as a key for a healthy work-life-balance with apreciative communication. Cultivate your resilience enhancing an emphatic work environment.

about me

über mich

discover a world of opportunities for good connection

Entdecken Sie eine Welt voller Möglichkeiten für gute Verbindungen

The safe foundation for your effective personal  is my dedication to you getting results.

DVNLP Master Coach Certification and HorseDream® Partner Certification are coming along with decades of Natural Horsemanship education.

The horses and donkeys are an expression of true nature and my highly valued coaching partners. They are the precious link to unique guidance to new levels of understanding. I facilitate seminars with  horses and donkeys utilising  systemic coaching. Horse and donkey in its natural power and intelligence emerges as a catalyst and mediator  to build bridges between humans. It triggers "AHA!"  insights beyond expectation. 

Coaching moduls along the experiential and interactive sessions with the horses and donkeys are interwoven regarding the process of preparing, integrating the transfer and gaining a sustaining result.

For sure it is a life changing step out-of-box.

I am an experienced leader of constantly changing teams in the sensitiv field of  Premium Airline business. I believe in the beauty of Excellence and in the charm of imperfection. My vision is to "find that thing that puts your heart at rest" for myself, for others and the world.  

I move confidently on all 5 continents. My home is international and I settled  in the picturesque region around world heritage "RhineGorge" near Loreley.

I am dedicated to a positive and   humanistic approach to all creation in the beauty of diversity.

Would you like to gain ease and clarity in todays new leadership structures and new life possibilities?

Discover extraordinary perspectives with PAREQUUS Coaching and Training. The focus is on achieving inner balance and interpersonal effectiveness.

In systemic coaching I offer experiential, experimental and interactive keys like stillness and reflection to enhance your strength as a modern leader and a global team player.

Opening up for the  newly Unfolding is effective when using playful learning strategies to strengthen your creative powers. Find out yourself how to proceed out of your comfort zone with the excellent support of horses and donkeys. On top our up-to-date coaching method is based on neuroscientific knowledge like mental  space psychology, constellation work and the effect of mirror neurones.

How about transforming into a new dimension and a

new mindset.

The first STEP   you may call or book an appointment.

Sie können sicher sein, ich widme mich Ihnen vollkommen, sodass sie Ergebnisse mit nach Hause nehmen.

DVNLP-Master-Coach-Zertifizierung und die HorseDream®-Partner-Zertifizierung gehen einher mit meiner jahrzehntelangen Ausbildung in Natural Horsemanship.

Die Pferde und Esel sind ein Ausdruck der Natur und meine geschätzten Coaching-Partner. Sie tragen uns zu den Ebenen des Verständnisses unserer Selbst und der Struktur zwischenmenschlicher Verbindung. Ich gebe Seminare mit Pferden und Eseln mit systemischer Methodik. Pferd und Esel wirken in ihrer natürlichen Kraft und Intelligenz wie Katalysatoren und Mediatoren. Sie bauen Brücken zwischen den Menschen. Im Prozess lösen sie "AHA!" Momente jenseits aller Erwartungen aus.

Die Seminare sind erlebnisorientiert und interaktiv. Es ist ein sicher begleiteter Prozesses mit einem nachhaltigen Ergebnis.

 Ganz bestimmt ist es ein Schritt heraus aus dem Gewohnten.

Ich war Leiterin ständig wechselnder Teams im sensiblen Bereich des Premium-Airline-Geschäfts. In Exzellenz zeigt sich Schönheit und das Unperfekte hat Charme. Meine Vision ist es, das " Menschen das gewisse Etwas finden, das ihr Herz berührt", ... für sich selbst, für andere und die Welt!

Ich bewege mich souverän auf allen 5 Kontinenten. Meine Heimat ist international. Ich habe mich in der malerischen Region im UNESCO Weltkulturerbe "Mittelrheintal" nahe der Loreley niedergelassen.

Ich bin einer positiven und humanistischen Herangehensweise der gesamten Schöpfung in all der wundervollen Vielfalt verpflichtet.

Sie möchten in den neuen Führungsstrukturen und mit den Neuen Lebensformen an Leichtigkeit und Klarheit gewinnen?

Entdecken Sie außergewöhnliche Perspektiven mit PAREQUUS Coaching und Training. Der Fokus liegt auf innerer Ausgeglichenheit und zwischenmenschlicher Wirksamkeit.

In den systemischen Seminaren biete ich erfahrungsorientierte, experimentelle und interaktive Schlüssel, wie Stille und Reflexion an, um Ihre Rolle als moderne Führungskraft und globalen Teamplayer zu stärken. 

Sich  dem Neuem, dem kreativem Potential zu öffnen, fällt leicht, wenn wir spielerische Lernstrategien nutzen. Erleben Sie selbst, wie Sie mit Hilfe der Co-Coaches im Fellkleid Ihre Komfortzone verlassen. In meinen Coachings nutze ich neueste neurowissenschaftliche Erkenntnisse über die Psychologie vom mentalen Raum, Aufstellungsarbeit und die Wirkung von Spiegelneuronen.

Möchten Sie sich eine neue Dimension und ein dazu passendes Mindset erschließen?

Der erste Schritt Rufen Sie gleich an oder buchen Sie einen  Telefontermin zum Kennenlernen.

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