" My intention was not to play music in the traditional sense,
but feed off of the existing energy in the space
and begin to construct a sense of atmosphere,
to enhance and support the existing dynamic of the experience." George Tzortzidis
Special thanks to George Tzortzidis for presenting his experience
and to Edith Weber known as "Pferderetterin" on Instagram
for hosting this Event at ReGreen Ecoculture Center Seliana, Greece.
The experience grew into a beautiful encounter that crescended as the two horses gathered together near the edge of the field, in perhaps the most beautiful part of the land. In this area, the field ends, and meets the steep cliffs that offer breathtaking views.
• in den Welterbe Regionen Mittelrhein & Taunus
& weltweit in der Internationalen EAHAE
Willkommen beim Newsletter von Petra Buchholz Coaching PAREQUUS & ESELBADEN
Ihr Abonnement wird mit der nächsten Ausgabe beginnen.
Ich hoffe, dass Ihnen der Newsletter genauso viel Spaß macht wie mir das Schreiben.
Mit den besten Wünschen,
Petra Buchholz
Petra Buchholz NLP Coaching & Tiergestütztes Coaching, Ausbildung, Training mit Pferden und Eseln
Standorte im schönen malerischen Welterbe Mittelrhein und Taunus
Seminare auf Anfrage in Deutschland und weltweit im internationalen Netzwerk der EAHAE
Welcome to newsletter of Petra Buchholz Coaching PAREQUUS & ESELBADEN Newsletter.
Your subscription will start with the next issue.
I hope you enjoy the newsletter as much as I do writing it.
Wishing you all the best,
Petra Buchholz
Petra Buchholz NLP Coaching & Animalassisted Coaching, Education, Training with horses and donkeys
Locations in the beautiful picturesque Worldheritage of Mittelrhein and Taunus
Seminars on demand in Germany and Worldwide in the international network of EAHAE
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Mit den besten Wünschen
Petra Buchholz
Petra Buchholz NLP Coaching & Animalassisted Coaching, Education, Training with horses and donkeys
Locations in the beautiful picturesque Worldheritage of Mittelrhein and Taunus
Seminars on demand in Germany and Worldwide in the international network of EAHAE